Sundays 10:30AM Main Sanctuary
Q: What are your Sunday services like?
A: Our English language worship service meets at 10:30am in the Main Sanctuary. It mixes modern praise with traditional Presbyterian liturgy. We also celebrate the Lord's supper every week. People come dressed in casual attire. The message is always Bible-based and Christ-centered. The entire worship service is one hour.
We also have age-specific small groups (e.g., a wives group; a single men's group, etc). The small groups meet after the service for those who want to enjoy more community fellowship.
Our demographics is about 1/3 marrieds, 1/3 young adults, 1/3 college along with a few younger kids. We come from all walks of life from every stage of the spiritual journey: unbelieving skeptics to longtime believers. We share one thing in common: we're all recovering hypocrites invited by our Lord Jesus Christ to experience His redeeming grace.
Q: I have kids. Where do I take them?
A: On your first visit, please arrive a few minutes earlier and bring your children with you to the main entrance and someone at the front door will direct you on where to take your children. If you prefer, your children are also welcome to worship with you in the main sanctuary.
Q: Why don't you provide sermons online?
A: Because it's a home-cooked meal. It's meant to be enjoyed in-person with family. To-go boxes are made available upon special request.
Q: Can you please pray for me?
A: We would love to pray for you! Please fill out this prayer form and our prayer team will confidentially lift your requests up to the Lord on your behalf.